Creating an activity


To create a new activity, click the ACTIVITY MENU on the left sidebar, and then click ADD ACTIVITIES button in the top right corner.

You will see a form like this.

1. List

Click on the LIST field. It will open a modal like blew.

You will see all the LIST of assets from your database table. You can SEARCH by typing in the top right search box and you will see your search result. Then click on the target list NAME. It will select this item and save it in the database table.

2. Activity Type

Select any type from the list of activity types.

3. Activity Priority

Select any priority from the list of activity priorities.

4. Activity Status

Select any status from the list of activity status. [ex. Open, Assigned, Requested]

5. Audit Code

Click on the AUDIT CODE field. It will open a modal like blew.

You will see all the AUDIT CODE from your database table. You can SEARCH by typing in the top right search box. Then you will see your search result. Then click on the target list AUDIT NAME. It will select this item and save it in the database table.

6. Projects

Select any project from the list of projects.

7. Planned completion data

You can select the planned completion date from the date window.

8. Completion data

You can leave it blank. This field will be filled by workers when all tasks will be completed.

9. Assigned To

Click on the ASSIGNED TO field. It will open a modal like below.

You will see all the USERS from your database table. You can SEARCH by typing in the top right search box. Then you will see your search result. Then click on the target items USER NAME you can SELECT MULTIPLE USERS. Then click on the SAVE button.

10. Completed by

You can leave it blank. This field will be filled by workers when all tasks will be completed.

Handling Tabs

In the general tab, you will see,

  • ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION you read and update this field on demand.

  • ACTIVITY SUMMARY you read and update this field on demand.

  • ACTIVITY INSTRUCTION you read and update this field on demand.

Save and Navigate

After filling out all fields click on the SAVE button. Then click on the Next or Previous button to navigate.

Last updated